Слава України: до ліцею з любов'ю
23 (економічна) група на профільній практиці
Щоденник юридичної практики
ЮНЕСКО – Урок на природі 5 червня 2017 року «Природа – мистецтво»
The United Nations Environment Programme proposed a joint action to celebrate World Environment Day with the lyceum pupils on 5 June. World Environment Day is the United Nations’ biggest awareness-raising event of the year for our planet and its resources. The theme of the 2017 edition is ‘connecting people with nature’ and we see this as a great opportunity for you to remind your pupils about nature’s beauty and the amazing benefits it brings to our health and minds. So we had a lesson amidst nature on 5 June, so that our kids are 'connected with nature' while at school!