The world begins with love…

Lyceum was conceived as a dream… It was the dream of Ukraine and Ukrainians, the dream of modern education; independence and freedom; the unicity of everyone and each one. It was the dream about realization of child’s talents; of family relationship; of a special lyceum spirit. That was the dream of many: a teacher, pupils, parents me (a headmistress) as the lyceum is my destiny, my world. I am happy that each of is my life …

Ganna Sazonenko, Principal of luceum,
People's teacher of Ukraine,
Ph.D. in pedagogy


My lyceum became my first school of life, here I got my first friends and enemies. Everything which happens first in life is impossimble to forget... Highly-qualified teachers taught me to set a goal and achive it.

Yuriy Pavlenko, graduate 1992


Luceum was a start for me. It was a transferable period to my adult life. Due to the wonderful teachers I had a chance to consider myself as personality, here I understood what I wanted to achieve and what my goals would be. The lyceum gave me not only profound knowledge.

Maksim Drabok, graduate 1997


The lyceum is the place where we are taught not to participate but to win; not to plan but realize; not to create the problems but to solve them; not to be taught but to study; not to go but to achieve; not to copy thoughtlessly but to create. We are taught to be distinguished ones, preserve our personalities and despite all the difficulties remain patriots.

Sophia Kostutska, graduate 2012